New update – minor changes & a few words

Update 0.7.31

A new minor update to keep the demo build in line the current game development state.
Small changes that affects the demo:

  • Reworked some part of the in game UI.
  • Updated the Lobby area.

A few words about the full game content

Ok, from a game production point of view (i.e. purely content creation), every week that passes means new game added and playable. That's an enjoyable good point! BUT, you may, it takes tiiiiiiiiiiime.

To be fully transparent, on one hand, i would be really pleased to release the game now. But on the other hand, I'm committed to create that game that exist in my head. In no way, i can attach myself to something i can’t be proud of (whatever the game will be perceived by you). It my way to think creation : give life to an idea and stick to it.

I will continue to release updates. Even more content to come. 


3 screenshots from nowhere


Floor unknown - demo (windows) 3.6 GB
Version 0.7.31 13 days ago

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